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Custom Architectural Metal from an Experienced Dallas Roofer

After roofing in Dallas for over 40 years, StazOn Roofing provides incredible work to each roof. As a certified Dallas roofer, we also know how challenging obtaining the right metal accents for each roof can be for Dallas customers.

We provide the custom metal work you need to enhance the architectural look of any residential or commercial building.

Rain Chains

Rain chains make a beautiful and functional alternative to traditional downspouts. With planning and the best custom metal shop in Dallas, we can deliver this upscale look to every property StazOn works on without worrying about delays.

Custom Guttering

Guttering is critical to maintaining buildings, whether they’re commercial or residential. The experts at StazOn Roofing use our experience as a Dallas roofer to deliver comprehensive, functional systems to even the most complex rooflines.

Rain Collection Systems

Rainwater collection is encouraged across Texas, and a professional rain collecting system makes the process much easier. StazOn Roofing offers our decades of expertise installing these systems and working with local Dallas builders to ensure the best system possible.

Chimney Caps

Chimney caps are essential across Dallas, but that doesn’t mean they can’t look beautiful too. With our custom metal shop capabilities in Dallas, StazOn Roofing can create chimney caps that match any architectural style, no matter how custom the look.

Metal Awnings

Metal awnings add a unique look to any building while also creating functional shade where necessary. Using our custom metal shop in Dallas, we can shape custom awnings perfect for the buildings they’re attached to.

Wall Panel Systems

Custom metal offers reliable performance no matter where in Dallas you put it. Whether indoor or outdoor, StazOn can deliver the custom metal work you have in mind. Our expertise and custom design capabilities ensure spectacular results.

Need Custom Metal Work in Dallas?

General Contractors

We collaborate with general contractors across Dallas to ensure that they have the custom metal work they need to deliver for their clients. Contact us today about our custom metal design work and how we can turn your Dallas project into an architectural showstopper.


If you’re looking for something unique that sets your home apart from the rest, we can help! Our metal shop can bring your vision to life, and the professionals at StazOn Roofing can install custom pieces to fit your design project.

Retail and Multifamily Property Managers

If you’re considering a metal component for your commercial property, we can help. Our experienced Dallas roofers work on multifamily and commercial buildings regularly, so we can install anything you can envision for your property.

New Construction

StazOn also works on new construction projects. Consider the impact of a coordinated look for the whole community or complex on potential clients. We can help you achieve that reality quickly and efficiently.

Do you need custom metal work from a professional shop with an exceptional record? Call StazOn Roofing today to start your project.