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Process of Roof Replacement Dallas Explained

The roof of your house might have been a matter of concern lately. It may seem on the verge of collapse, prompting you to finally decide that it is time for a new roof. This is a wise decision because a sturdy roof acts as a shield for your house, protecting everything and everyone inside. But you may wonder what exactly happens during a roof replacement. Rest assured, we are here to help you.

Let us go through the points listed below and understand the process of roof replacement in Dallas step by step.

  1. The Initial Inspection

An expert Dallas roofer will visit your house to inspect and measure your old roof. During this visit, you can discuss what kind of new roof you want, like choosing a new hat for your house!

  1. Preparing for The Big Day

Our team of Dallas roofers will bring all the necessary materials to your house. We will protect your garden and outdoor items to prevent any damage. A large bin will be brought to collect the debris from your old roof. Everything will be prepared before the work begins.

  1. Out with the Old

As your old roof is removed, expect some noise. The roofers will inspect the wood underneath and fix any damaged parts, ensuring a solid base for your new roof.

  1. Preparing the Roof Surface

To prepare for the new roof, metal edges will be installed to guide rainwater away. The Dallas roofer team will also add special layers for ice and water protection. The entire roof will be covered with a protective sheet.

  1. Installing The New Roofing Material

This is the exciting part! The new roofing material will be installed, starting from the bottom and working up, like assembling a big puzzle for your house.

  1. Final Touches

After the main part is complete, caps will be added along the top of the roof. Special pieces will be placed around chimneys and vents to prevent leaks. These finishing touches will not only make your roof look great but also ensure it functions well.

Winding Up

We hope this blog helped you understand what happens during a roof replacement. It is a big job, but it is worth it. Make sure to choose a reliable roofing team for the work. Contact us today at StazOn Roofing if you want to get a new roof with the help of our expert Dallas roofers!