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When is The Right Time to Get Your Roof Replaced

It might be out of your mind despite being over your head. It is easy to forget about this silent guardian of your home. However, it could lead to some serious headaches down the road if you ignore it. But you may question how you would know when it is time to say goodbye to your old roof. How will you know that your house needs a new and shiny roof? You can rest assured. That is because we are here to help you.

Let us go through the points listed below to see the signs that it might be time for a roof replacement Dallas.

[1] Missing Shingles

Take a look at your roof. Are all the shingles there? It is not good if you see bare spots or find shingles in your yard. It is like your roof is losing its protective skin. This can be very dangerous if not fixed at the earliest.

[2] Your Roof Looks Like a Roller Coaster

It should be flat except where it is meant to be slope. However, it would be a problem if you see waves or dips on it. This means there is damage underneath. It is like a calm situation before a storm. This damage indicates that you need to install a new roof with the help of experts in roofing Dallas.

[3] The Great Curl-Up Shingles

These should lie flat. They will be earing out if they are curling up at the edges or middle. This can let water get under them and cause leaks. It can also weaken the ceiling which can lead to its collapse. In such situations, you should call in professionals from Dallas Roofing Company.

[4] Moss Growing on Your Roof

Do see green stuff growing on your roof? This is not good unless you planted it. That is because moss and other plants can damage your roof over time. And this can put you and your family in danger. It is time to entrust the experts in roofing Dallas to get your roof replaced.

[5] Light in Your Attic

One day, you went up to your attic and turned off the lights on a sunny day. And what did you see? You saw daylight through the roof. This means there are gaps in your roof. These could let water in, too. You should hire professionals to get your roof replacement Dallas done.

Wrapping Up

We hope this blog helped you to understand how taking care of your roof now can save you trouble later. You can call in professionals from Dallas Roofing Company to get your roof fixed. It will keep your house healthy! So, how is your roof doing? You can contact us today at StazOn Roofing to get it checked.