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What Should You Do After a Storm Damages Your Roof

When storm season hits Texas most everyone hopes and prays the storms will pass them by and not come through their area.  However, they also know they must prepare for the worst and should have a reputable roofing company in Dallas on speed dial.  After the storm passes and you go outside and take a look around and you see shingles that have blown off your roof or your gutters might be hanging on for life or completely torn off now is not the time to be wondering who to call.

After The Storm Damages Your Roof

Texas storms can have a tendency to pass in spurts and it may seem like the storm has passed but another one comes through right after.  So take shelter and be safe.  Once you are safe and the storm has passed, reaching out to a storm damage specialist should be your next step.  Fortunately, if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth areas you can turn to your local professional roofing company in Dallas that has served the DFW metroplex for over 40 years, StazOn Roofing. 

As a GAF Certified roofer in Dallas, We will come out and assess the damage and determine what work needs to be done to repair or replace your roof back to its original safety standards.  

Experienced Roofing Company

When you turn to StazOn Roofing for your storm damaged roofing expert, you will not only get over 40 years experience,  you will get the reliability, customer service, and pride of being your local roofer that will be here to help and ensure that any roofing repair or replacement we do, will be done with top quality craftsmanship that will last for years to come.

Advantages of choosing StazOn Roofing Replacement in Dallas.

  • Our experience, honesty, and GAF Certifications will provide a fair assessment to repair or replace your damaged roof in a timely manner and make sure your home is prepared for the next storm.
  • We are also a GAF Green Certified roofing company and take pride in our environmentally friendly use of higher grade, sustainable roofing materials.
  • Being a local roofing company in Dallas over 40 years means we are here to stay and take pride in all of our work to ensure we are here in the future.

StazOn roofing shines as the leading roofing company in the Dallas area repairing and replacing all types of residential roofs with top quality professionalism.  StazOn Roofing offers roofing materials designed to offer more wind resistance and greater durability to withstand the Texas storms.  

If you are looking to get an opinion on your roof after filing a claim, call our team at StazOn.  We are happy to come out and do an evaluation on your roof and address any issues you think need to be addressed in your claim and make sure that all the damage to your roof was properly accounted for and documented.  If we find anything that has not been included we are happy to write a revision on your behalf that will make up for any additional damage not included by the insurance adjuster.

When you are ready to start your roof repair or replacement on  your home, reach out to StazOn Roofing Dallas today to and get started on the right track to getting your roof repaired in a timely manner.  We are located in Dallas and have crews through the Dallas and surrounding areas for your convenience. We offer free roof evaluations and we can be reached at 214-466-1518.