10 Types of Roof Vents in Dallas

Roof ventilation can help extend the life of your roof and help your home be as energy efficient as possible. In a warm climate like Dallas, every little bit helps.…

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The Things Santa Clause Sees in Dallas

It was a chilly evening for his deliveries, and the warmth of Dallas was a welcome surprise. So, with a wink and a nod, Santa resumed his journey from roof…

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Different Types of Roofing to Consider When Replacing a Roof in Plano

Spring is a solid time to replace your existing residential roof, but in order to get the time spot you want, you need to start the process soon. Otherwise, you…

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What’s Coming Out of Your Dallas Roof

While having pipes and stacks coming out of a roof can affect the aesthetic, each serves a vital function for the house. However, a reputable roofing company in Dallas calculated…

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Rain Chains, Rain Screens, and Gutters in Plano

Rain in Plano comes seasonally, including the large summer thunderstorms. Rain chains, rain screens, and gutters all help protect your Plano home during storms. An experienced Plano roofing company can…

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Regulating Your Plano Attic Temperature with Soffits and Turbine Vents

When installed correctly, soffit and turbine vents can be used to regulate the temperature of attics better. These tools are particularly useful in the warm climate of Plano, where summer…

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What is a GAF Master Commercial Roofing Contractor in Plano

When you’re looking for a commercial roofing contractor, you need someone who’ll do the job with the best products in the industry. GAF certifications are one of many options to…

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Tile Roof Maintenance and Repair in Plano

Tile roofs are a popular choice in Plano, and they do well in the Texas climate. However, they need proper maintenance and small roof repairs to hold throughout the expected…

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